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apply(P) - Method in interface de.kaleidox.util.PromisedValue.NullableFunction


de.kaleidox.discordemoji - package de.kaleidox.discordemoji
de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model - package de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model - package
de.kaleidox.util - package de.kaleidox.util
DiscordEmoji - Class in de.kaleidox.discordemoji
Facade class for communicating with


Emoji - Class in de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model
Representation of an Emoji
EmojiCategory - Class in de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model
Representation of an EmojiCategory.
EmojiPack - Class in de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model
Representation of an EmojiPack.
Endpoint - Enum in
An enumeration of all endpoints provided by


get(Endpoint) - Static method in class
Invokes a GET-Request on the provided Endpoint.
getByID(int) - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets any Emoji from the cache by its ID.
getByID(int) - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets any EmojiPack from the cache by its ID.
getByIndex(int) - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiCategory
Gets any EmojiCategory from the cache by its index, or null if the given index could not be found.
getCategory() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the category of the emoji.
getDescription() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the description of the emoji.
getDescription() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the description of the emoji pack.
getDownloadUrl() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the download URL of the emoji pack.
getEmojiCount() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.PageStats
Gets the total amount of emojis featured on the page.
getFaves() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the latest amount of faves of the emoji.
getFilesize() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the file size of the emoji image.
getHeight() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the height of the emoji image.
getId() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the ID of the emoji.
getId() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the ID of the emoji pack.
getImageURL() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the image URL of the emoji.
getImageUrl() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the URL of the icon image of the emoji pack.
getIndex() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiCategory
Gets the index of the emoji category.
getLicense() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the license of the emoji.
getName() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiCategory
Gets the name of the emoji category.
getName() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the name of the emoji pack.
getOrCreate(JsonNode) - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Internal method.
getOrCreate(JsonNode, int) - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiCategory
Internal method.
getOrCreate(JsonNode) - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Internal method.
getPossibleValue() - Method in class de.kaleidox.util.PromisedValue
Tries to fetch the possible value using the provided mapper.
getPromisedValue() - Method in class de.kaleidox.util.PromisedValue
Returns the promised value.
getSize() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the amount of emojis in this emoji pack.
getSlug() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the URL slug of the emoji.
getSlug() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.EmojiPack
Gets the URL-Slug of the emoji pack.
getSource() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the source of the emoji.
getSubmittedBy() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the name of the person who submitted the emoji.
getTitle() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the title of the emoji.
getTotalFaves() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.PageStats
Gets the total amount of faves on the page.
getTotalPendingApprovals() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.PageStats
Gets the total amount of pending approvals on the page.
getUserCount() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.PageStats
Gets the total amount of users on the page.
getWidth() - Method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.Emoji
Gets the width of the emoji image.


PageStats - Class in de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model
Represents page statistics.
PageStats() - Constructor for class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.model.PageStats
PromisedValue<P,T> - Class in de.kaleidox.util
Wrapper class for a value that might not be available yet but might be available later.
PromisedValue(P, PromisedValue.NullableFunction<P, T>) - Constructor for class de.kaleidox.util.PromisedValue
PromisedValue.NullableFunction<P,T> - Interface in de.kaleidox.util
Supertype of Function with a Nullable annotation for IntelliJ code inspection.


refreshEmojiCache() - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.DiscordEmoji
Refreshes the internal cache of Emojis and returns a collection of all cached emojis when done.
refreshEmojiCategoryCache() - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.DiscordEmoji
Refreshes the internal cache of EmojiCategories and returns a collection of all cached emoji categories when done.
refreshEmojiPackCache() - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.DiscordEmoji
Refreshes the internal cache of EmojiPacks and returns a collection of all cached emoji packs when done.
requestPageStats() - Static method in class de.kaleidox.discordemoji.DiscordEmoji
Requests the current stats of
RestRequestHelper - Class in
Helper class for REST-Requests.
RestRequestHelper() - Constructor for class


url - Variable in enum
The URL for this endpoint.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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